

Begun in the 1980’s out of a desire to help one family with a terminally ill child, the TENDER WISHES FOUNDATION has grown to seek out and grant wishes to children in the Niagara Region who suffer from a potentially life-threatening illness.

The objectives of the foundation are:

a) To provide assistance in granting requests to and arranging special events and outings for persons under the age of nineteen (19)who have been diagnosed by a qualified medical practitioner as having a potentially life-threatening illness.

b) To receive and administer monies for the advancement of the objectives of the FOUNDATION. Through the efforts of TENDER WISHES, many families have been able to cherish happy memories. Each year the number of wishes grows. They range from trips to Disneyworld, home entertainment units, attending sporting events, home renovations done to the home to make life a little more comfortable for their child-ie; bathroom renovations, bedroom makeover. The wishes are as varied as the child. In general, TENDER WISHES strives to make the child’s wish, in consultation with their parents, come true!


Interesting Facts

  1. We are based in Niagara Falls, Ontario and serve the entire Regional Municipality of Niagara.
  2. We have NO paid staff. All our members are Volunteers.
  3. We are NOT affiliated with any national or international wish-granting organization.
  4. No Government Funding
  5. Once a wish is granted, contact is maintained with the child and their family through annual events such as our Summer Picnic, Parades and our Wish Children’s Christmas Party.


Board Of Directors:

Each year at our Annual General Meeting (AGM), nominees are voted in by our Membership to assume one of the following positions:
President , Community Relations, Fundraising Chairperson, Wish Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Director(3)

This year’s Board is represented by:

President Tammy Robinson
Past President: Michael-Vincent Cuviello
Community Relations: Vacant
Fundraising Chairperson: Tammy Robinson
Wish Chair: Jill Taylor
Treasurer: Vacant
Secretary: Victoria Robinson
Board Members: George Murray, Kristian Kutis, Helen Allegra, Paul Robinson, Sarah Allegra,
Agnes Hodgson, June McKiernan

All of the affairs of THE TENDER WISHES FOUNDATION are managed by this Board of Directors including the Immediate Past President.